20 Feb, 2024 (Tue)

GE Seminars
Looking Back at Eighty: A Retrospect

Venue: LT1 (7/F), Mong Man Wai Building, CUHK

Language: Putonghua (with simultaneous interpretation in English)

Speaker: Dr. CHEN Fong Ching (Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies; Honorary Professor, Department of Physics, CUHK; Honorary Fellow, CUHK; Zhu Kezhen History of Science Visiting Professor, Institute of the History of Natural Science, The Chinese Academy of Science)

Moderator: Dr. WONG Wing Hung

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Traditionally, we have all been taught to set lifelong goals and directions, and work hard to overcome difficulties encountered instead of giving up. However, for a variety of reasons, life paths often change or even take abrupt turns. These are not necessarily bad, and sometimes even unavoidable. To deal with them, in particular to keep up confidence and momentum during such transitions, constant reflection and analysis are essential.
I was born on the mainland, moved to Hong Kong at ten, went to the United States for higher education after secondary school, and upon completion of my studies returned to join The Chinese University of Hong Kong, never moving again thereafter. During almost six decades of teaching, research and administrative work, my path has taken two drastic turns and two lesser changes in direction. It can be viewed as a lifelong process of exploration, with moments of success as well as encounters with impassé. A review of this journey together with some reflections and analysis will be offered in this talk, in the hope that they might serve as a useful reference for young friends who have yet long journeys to travel in life.