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[通識沙龍] 人在亂離時——《香港文學大系一九五零至一九六九‧散文卷一》 * [GE Salon] We Live in Troubled Times: Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1950-1969 Prose I

[Zoom 聚會] 讀書會 – 林語堂 My Country and My People

[通識沙龍] 宗教殊途同歸的迷思 *[GE Salon] The Riddle of “All Religions, Same Destination”

[通識沙龍] 從敵人、奴隸到公民——人與動物關係的演進 *[GE Salon] From Enemy, Slave to Citizen — The Evolution of Human-Animal Relationship

[通識午間講座] 通識科的第二語言學習—文化理解與相互尊重

[Zoom 聚會] 讀書會 – 氣候變化:天地、生物、文明的互動

[通識沙龍] 流行文化與女性身分建構 *[GE Salon] Becoming a Female in Popular Culture

[通識午間講座] 全人教育與校園文化建設

[Zoom 聚會] 宋遼金蒙起風雲 資治通鑑看續篇

[Zoom 聚會] 亨利喬治(Henry George) (1992, 初版: 1879), 進步與貧困 (Progress and Poverty)