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1732 search result(s)

[活動延期:通識沙龍] 1919,流產的革命 * [GE Salon] 1919: The Abortive Revolution

[活動延期:通識沙龍] 社運創傷與心理治療 * [Postpone: GE Salon] Post-social Movement Trauma and Psychotherapy

[讀書會] 百歲青春:無懼、無悔、無限可能——讀Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott, The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity * [Book Club] Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott, The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity

[通識午餐聚會] 開設或修訂大學通識科目 * [GE Lunch Seminar] Proposing or Revising a University General Education Course

[活動延期:讀書會] 生老病死苦——一個醫生的觀察

University General Education course arrangement for the additional course add/drop period from 17 to 23 February 2020

[通識沙龍] 科學革命浪潮下的宗教* [GE Salon] Religion and Scientific Revolution

[通識沙龍] 如何改寫土地的命運? * [GE Salon] How to Rewrite the Fate of our Land?

[ZOOM聚會] 可持續發展目標與大流行病規劃:社區規劃對身心靈健康的重要性

[ZOOM聚會] 健康不平等的社會決定因素:新冠肺炎的啟示