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[活動延期:通識沙龍] 從六七暴動看反送中運動:《消失的檔案》放映及映後座談會 * [GE Salon] Vanished Archives

[活動延期:通識沙龍] 從六七暴動看反送中運動:《消失的檔案》放映及映後座談會 * [GE Salon] Vanished Archives

[通識沙龍] 威權主義下社會運動的生命力 * [GE Salon] The Vitality of Social Movements under Authoritarianism

[讀書會] Martha Nussbaum: Aging Thoughtfully

[讀書會] 如何聽懂西方古典音樂 * [Book Club] Appreciation of Western Classical Music

[活動延期:通識沙龍] 媽媽對我的影響 * [Event Postpone: GE Salon] Mother and I

[通識沙龍] 地球之瓜,何堪再摘 * [GE Salon] The Last Straw of the Earth

[活動延期:讀書會] Carl Sagan, Cosmos * [Postpone: Book Club] Carl Sagan, Cosmos

復旦大學通識教育中心-第二屆卿雲杯全國通識課程論文大賽 * The Second Qin Yun Cup of National General Education Essay Competition

[讀書會] 馬戛爾尼使團謁見乾隆的故事 * [Book Club] When Macartney Embassy Met Qianlong Emperor