Implementation and Evaluation of Commercial-Off The Shelf (COTS) Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) in Higher Education (2016-19)

Principal Supervisor(s): Dr. KIANG Kai Ming

Co-supervisor(s): Professor CHEUNG Kam Ching Leo, Dr. HODGSON Paula, Professor LEUNG Mei Yee, Dr. WONG Bon Wah Baldwin

It is often a problem that students of the two General Education Foundation (GEF) courses do not have enough class time to learn about the historical and social background of the classic texts that they are required to read. In this project, we adopted the “commercial-off the shelf (COTS) digital game-based learning (GDBL)” approach of gamification in our teaching as an outside class activity to help bridging the gap. We bought licenses and enhanced the acclaimed and award-winning strategy game, Civilization, for this project. Via a successful educational game, students face challenges and uncertainties within the game scenarios that demand them to think through the educational elements behind. Unlike the traditional classroom teaching, a game visualizes the educational content with which students can interact directly, and the feeling of involvement creates a deeper impact to students’ understanding of abstract ideas and their historical background. Playing the game as an outside class activity can also motivate students to learn the relevant subject matter independently.