Dr. CHOI Sze Hang Henry
BA(Hons), MPhil. in History (Lingnan), PhD in History (HKU)
Dr. Choi received his BA (Hons) in History (First Class Honours) and MPhil. in History from Lingnan University and Ph.D. in History from the University of Hong Kong (Wang Gungwu Prize for Postgraduate Student in History). From 2012 to 2019, He taught and worked at the School of Chinese(HKU), the Department of Chinese Language Studies(Education University of Hong Kong), the Department of Chinese Culture(PolyU), and the History Department(Shue Yan University), as project officer, lecturer, and assistant professor. From 2019 to 2023, he worked as managing editor at Hong Kong Chronicles Institute (affiliated with Our Hong Kong Foundation). In 2023, Dr. Choi joined the General Education China Programme, the Office of the University of General Education. His research interests include Hong Kong history, Chinese classics, Chinese history, historical collectibles, and maritime history. In recent years, Dr. Choi has been keen on writing newspaper and magazine articles and giving public talks to introduce Chinese classics, Hong Kong history, and Hong Kong old books and historical collectibles to the general public.
Courses Taught
General-education courses currently taught
UGEA2288: Understanding China: Tradition and Modernity
Other courses taught
UGFH1000: In Dialogue with Humanity
Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: Economic and Social Changes since 1978
Introduction to the Study of the People’s Republic of China
Mutual Impressions of China and the West
Chinese Customs and Rituals
Chinese Customs and Etiquette
History of China-West Cultural Exchanges
The Perspectives of Eastern and Western Cultures
The History of Modern China and the World, from 1842-now
The Great World Wars
The Modern World
Introduction to World History to 1500 A.D.
Selected Publications
- (Co-authored) Si Chung Mou & Choi Sze Hang, 香港中華文化教育 (Chinese Cultural Education in Hong Kong). Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2020, 309 pp.
- 尖沙咀海濱歷史、城市發展及集體記憶 (The History of Tsimshatsui Waterfront, City Development and Collective Memory). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2019, 199 pp.
- 玩讀香港︰西方視野中的香港 (Playing with Hong Kong History: Hong Kong under the Lens of Westerners). Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, 2018. 245 pp.
- The Remarkable Hybrid Maritime World of Hong Kong and the West River Region in the Late Qing Period. Leiden: Brill, August 2017.
- 戰後新界發展史 (The History of Postwar Development of the New Territories). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2016, 204 pp.
- (Co-authored) Choi Sze Hang and Liang Wing Mo. 香港颱風故事 (The Story of Hong Kong Typhoons). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2014, 223 pp.
- 郵票中的香港史 (Hong Kong History in Stamps). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2013, 200 pp. (Sole Author) [Shortlisted for the final round of competition for the 7th Hong Kong Book Prize 香港書獎]
- 香港史100件大事(下) (100 Events in Hong Kong History(2)). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2013, 390 pp.
- (Co-authored) Au Chi-kin, Pang Shuk-man and Choi Sze Hang.香港記憶 (Hong Kong Memory). Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 2013, 285 pp.
- 香港史100件大事(上) (100 Events in Hong Kong History(1)). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2012, 301 pp.
- (Co-authored) Choi Sze Hang, Pang Shuk-man and Au Chi-kin.辛亥革命群像 (Biography of Sixty-six People in 1911 Revolution).Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2011, 316 pp.
- (Co-authored) Au Chi-kin, Pang Shuk-man and Choi Sze Hang. 改變香港歷史的60篇文獻 (The Sixty Documents Changed the History of Hong Kong). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2011, 479 pp.
Book Chapters and Journal Articles
- “Reconceptualization of Historical Reality: The Dōjin Game San Guo Zhi Jiang Wei Zhuan.” In Kaby Wing-sze Kung ed., Reconceptualizing the Digital Humanities in Asia: New Representations of Art, History and Culture (Singapore: Springer 2020), pp. 175-188.
- “批判五四──中國文化失位與懺悔” (Critique on the May Fourth Movement: The Misdirection of Chinese Culture and Confessions) in 五四百周年︰啟蒙、記憶與開新 (The Centennial Anniversary of the May Fourth Movement: Enlightenment, Memory and New Directions). Edited by Chow Kai Wing, Lai Chi-Kong and Au Chi Kin. (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2019), pp. 94-112.
- “香港的萊茵河——戰後新界河道修復與新市鎮成敗的關係 (The Rhine River of Hong Kong: The Relationship between River Conservation and the Success of and Failure of New Towns in the Post-War New Territories,” 程美寶編 Cheng May-bo ed. 省港澳大眾文化與都市變遷 (The Popular Culture and the Change of the City Landscapes in Canton, Hong Kong and Macau) (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2017), pp. 83-94.
- “China, imperial: 8. Qing or Manchu dynasty period, 1636–1911.” In John MacKenzie ed., Encyclopaedia of Empire (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016).
- “文化出版人王雲五與現代中國知識體系的建立 (The Establishment of Modern Chinese Body of Knowledge and Cultural Publisher Wang Yung-wu).” 香港中國近代史學會會刊 (Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong Bulletin), No. 16 (March 2015): 39-57.
- “從陳鶴琴看美國兒童教育學對中國之影響 (About the Influence of the American Children Educational Study on China with Chen Heqin as an Example).” 香港中國近代史學會會刊 (Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong Bulletin), No. 15 (November 2014): 69-78.
- “1920至1930年代商務印書館的童子軍用書 (Boy Scouts Textbooks Published by Commercial Press in the 1920s to 1930s).” 香港中國近代史學會會刊 (Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong Bulletin), No. 14 (October 2014): 17-35.
- “從考據到活譯︰論晚清至民國時期英譯中國經典形式之演變 (From Textual Criticism to Vivid Translation: On the Transformation of the Forms of the English Translation of the Chinese Canons from the Late Qing to the Republican Period).” 香港中國近代史學會會刊 (Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong Bulletin), No. 12 (July 2014): 2-23.
- “歷史教育的時地人——以香港抗日歷史為例(Time, Place and People in History Education: The History of Anti-Japanese Movement in Hong Kong as an Example).” In 第二屆廿一世紀華人地區歷史教育論文集 (The Symposium of the Second Conference of the History Education in Chinese-Speaking Regions in the 21st Century). Edited by Pao Shao-lin, Chow Kai Wing, Au Chi-kin: 366-378. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2012.
- “時代的追憶——不同的「我」與中華書局 (The Recollections of the Times: Different ‘I’s and Chung Hwa Book Co.).”In百年傳承──香港學者論中華書局(The Festschrift of the 100th Anniversary of Chung Hwa Book Co.). Edited by Chow Kai Wing: 29-49. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co., 2012.
Newspaper and Magazine Articles (selected)
- “尖沙咀海濱︰香港海陸空交通樞紐”(Tsimshatusi Waterfront: The Hong Kong’s Hubs of Maritime, Land and Air Transportation), Being Hong Kong, no. 22, Summer 2024, pp. 69-85.
- “老子說 ‘德’” (Laozi Takes about the Virtues), Xinmin Evening News, 27 July 2024.
- “推動經典教育課,重建學生價值觀”(Promotes the Lessons of Canon Education, Rebuilds Student’s Personal Values), Sing Tao Daily, 4 June 2024.
- “‘益’和‘損’的智慧”(The Wisdom of “Yi” and “Sun”), Xinmin Evening News, 30 May 2024.
- “粵港舊書中的蔣介石”(Chiang Kai-shek Written in Old Books Published in Guangzhou and Hong Kong), Reading Magazine, no. 11, April 2024, pp. 61-65.
- “老莊以笑說境界”(Laozi and Zhuangzi Talks about the spheres of living by the metaphor of laughter), Xinmin Evening News, 6 April 2024.
- “自勝者強” (He who Overcomes Himself is Mighty, Xinmin Evening News, 9 March 2024.
- “了解孫中山事跡,學習不畏艱苦”(Knowing the Life of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Learning to be Unafraid of Adversity), Wen Wei Po, 4 March 2024.
- “春節的智慧”(The Wisdom of Chinese New Year), Xinmin Evening News, 11 February 2024.
- “香港出版的紅色書籍”(Red Books Published in Hong Kong), Reading Magazine, no. 10, January 2024, pp. 68-75.
- “孔子問道於老子”(Confucius asks Laozi for the Way of Reaching the Tao), Xinmin Evening News, 12 January 2024.
- “不容然後見君子”(Being Unaccepted so Remain as Gentlemen), Xinmin Evening News, 13 December 2023.
- “君子有福” (Gentlemen Have Good Fortune), Xinmin Evening News, 16 November 2023.
- “香港年鑑、手冊與概況”(Hong Kong Almanac, Guidebook and Introduction), Reading Magazine, no. 9, October 2023.
- “怎樣成為有學問的人”(How Can We Become Learned People?), Xinmin Evening News, 17 October 2023.
- “新界有多「新」?條「界」在哪裡?”(How “New” Does New Territories be? Where is the “boundary”?) , Being Hong Kong, 19, Autumn 2023, pp. 26-33.
- “蔡思行讀《碌碌有為》︰了不起的日常生活” (Choi Sze Hang Reading “Amazing Everyday Success”: Amazing Everyday Life), Shanghai Review of Books, 9 August, 2023.
- “《論語》中的人生規劃” (Life Course Planning in the Analects), Xinmin Evening News, 30 July 2023.
- “百靈三奇書” (Three Unique Books Published by Bai Ling Publishing House), Reading Magazine, 8, July 2023.
- “東北丙公筆下的文史掌故” (The Historical and Literary Records Written by Bing Gong in the Northeast), Reading Magazine, 7, April 2023.
- “舊香港旅遊指南對旅業發展的啟示” (The Implication on the Development of Tourism Inspired by Old Hong Kong Tourist Guides), Hong Kong Economic Journal, 7 February 2023.
- “粵派三毫子小說” (Cantonese Popular Fiction), Reading Magazine, 6, January 2023.
- “王敬羲筆下的香港商業人物” (Hong Kong Commercial Figures under the Pens of Benedict C. H. Wong), Reading Magazine, 5, October 2022.
- “社會運動不走極端 訴諸暴力失道寡助” (Social Movements Don’t Go to the Extreme, Losing Popular Support when It Goes to the Violence), Wen Wei Po, 11 October 2022.
- “香港文化之明日戰記” (The Tomorrow Story of Hong Kong’s Cultures), Hong Kong Economic Journal, 10 October 2022.
- “昔通脹釀搶米潮,海員罷工爭權益” (Inflation Leading to Rice Strike, Fighting for Rights by Seamen’s Strike), Wen Wei Po, 29 September 2022.
- “鄉民拚死掩護,縱隊功成身退” (Successful Retreat of East River Column under the Sacrifice of the Villagers), Wen Wei Po, 27 September 2022.
- “保護文化精英,營救盟軍戰俘” (Protecting Cultural Elites, Rescuing POWs of the Allies), Wen Wei Po, 22 September 2022.
- “慷慨捐一碗飯,挺抗日救難民” (Donating One Bowl of Rice with Generosity in Supporting the War of Resistance and Refugees), Wen Wei Po, 20 September 2022.
- “投身抗日戰爭,港人同仇敵愾” (Hongkongers Joining the War of Resistance with Patriotism), Wen Wei Po, 16 September 2022.
- “一扇鐵門見證保家衞國歷史” (Witnessing the History of Protecting Village and Defending the Nation from the Pair of Door Gate), Sing Tao Daily, 12 September 2022.
- “重塑城市獨特景觀,霓虹再次亮透晚上” (Reshaping the Unique Hong Kong’s Cityscapes by Reshining Neon Lights all the Night), Hong Kong Economic Journal, 6 September 2022.
- “審視香港文藝底蘊,發展中外交流中心” (Re-examination of the Bases of Hong Kong’s Art and Culture, Developing Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Center), Hong Kong Economic Journal, 16 July 2022.
- “積善之家,必有餘慶——香港印刷的善書” (The Family that Accumulates Goodness is Sure to Have Superabundant Happiness: Good Canons Printed in Hong Kong), Reading Magazine, 4, July 2022.
- “善用科技,展現香港歷史文化軟實力” (Well Usage of Technology in Promoting the Soft Power of Hong Kong’s History and Cultures), Hong Kong Economic Journal, 28 June 2022.
- “承載集體回憶,香港珍寶勢成鹿角遺恨”(Bearing Collective Memory, Jumbo Restaurant Shall Become Eternal Resentment), HK01, 14 June 2022.
- “活化市區舊樓,疫後經濟活棋” (Revitalization of Old Urban Buildings as the Solution of Reviving Economy after COVID-19), Hong Kong Economic Journal, 11 June 2022.
- “再見珍寶!” (Bye Bye Jumbo!), Sing Tao Daily, 6 June 2022.
- “存仁公讓——疫下讀香港舊中醫書籍” (With Benevolence and Public Interest: Reading Old Hong Kong’s Chinese Medicine Books during the Pandemic), Reading Magazine, 3, April 2022.
- “藏而不讀——我的藏書經歷”(Collecting without Reading?: My Journey of Collecting Old Books), Reading Magazine, 2, January 2022.
Research Projects
- Faculty Development Scheme: “’One Belt, One River’: Maritime and Inland River Trade in Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces (1897–1926).” (Funded by University Grants Committee, HKSAR), PI, 2018-2020.
- “尖沙咀海濱歷史、城市發展及大眾集體記憶 (History of Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront, Urban Development and Collective Memory of Common People).” (Funded by the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust), PI, 2017-2019.
- “香港當年今日 (Hong Kong’s History in 366 Days).” (Funded by Hong Kong Museum of History), PI, 2017-2019.