Building Whiteboard Animations for Flipped Classroom in GEF Courses (2017-18)

Principal Supervisor(s): Dr. LI Ming Kenneth

Co-supervisor(s): Dr. LAI Chi Wai Kevin, Dr. SZETO Wai Man and Dr. WONG Bon Wah Baldwin

The General Education Foundation (GEF) Programme consists of two foundation courses, namely In Dialogue with Nature and In Dialogue with Humanity, which require all undergraduates from different disciplines to read and discuss science and humanity classics. Despite their interest in reflecting on the classics, they find it difficult to have in-depth discussion due to the lack of prerequisite knowledge and concepts. A lot of time in tutorial classes is thus used to explain the knowledge and clarify the concepts. In view of this, two micro-modules, one for each course, are proposed to flip the classroom. In a pilot work last year, our team developed two micro-modules to flip the classroom in UGFN1000 using whiteboard animations. In the soft launch, 400 students were benefited. The survey from 333 respondents showed that whiteboard animations are effective and engaging tools for teaching and learning. Over 90% students agreed that whiteboard animations are helpful for their understanding of the texts, clarifying the concepts and providing the prerequisite knowledge before tutorials. More than 86% students agreed whiteboard animation has raised their interest in the discussed issues and is more interesting than lecture recording. With these encouraging results and the positive feedbacks from teachers of both courses, we have expanded the flipped classroom in In Dialogue with Nature by developing more micro-modules using whiteboard animations. Flipped classroom using whiteboard animations has been extended to In Dialogue with Humanity for the first time.

For more details, please refer to the following article:

Li M, Lai CW, Szeto WM. 2019. Whiteboard Animations for Flipped Classrooms in a Common Core Science General Education Course. In J. Domenech, P. Merello, E. de la Poza, D. Blazquez &, R. Peña-Ortiz (Eds.). 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’19). Valencia: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Pp. 929-938. Retrieved from