Thinking Between Islam and the West: The Thoughts of Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Bassam Tibi and Tariq Ramadan, Oxford; New York: Peter Lang, 2014.
Review of the above work by Mohammed Hashas in Journal of Muslims in Europe 2018, Volume: 7, Issue: 3, pp. 381-383.
Citations of the above work known so far:
- The original version of the above work is my PhD thesis of Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (Title: Islam in the West: A Study in the Thought of Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Tariq Ramadan). It was cited by my supervisor Prof Sajjad Rizvi in his article, “Tariq Ramadan’s Tryst with Modernity: Toward a European Muslim Tradition” in David Marshall (ed.), Tradition and Modernity: Christian and Muslim Perspectives, Georgetown University Press, 2013. pp. 209-219.
- When my PhD thesis was published in the version of the above work, it was cited in Ertugrul Sahin, Europäischer Islam: Diskurs im Spannungsfeld von Universalität, Historizität, Normativität und Empirizität, Springer VS, 2017.
- Also in Vinding Niels Valdemar, Egdunas Racius and Jorn Thielmann (ed.), Exploring the Multitude of Muslims in Europe: Essays in Honour of Jørgen S. Nielsen, BRILL, 2018.
- Also in Mohammed Hashas, The Idea of European Islam: Religion, Ethics, Politics and Perpetual Modernity, Routledge, 2018.
- Also in Adis Duderija & Halim Rane, Islam and Muslims in the West: Major Issues and Debates (New Directions in Islam), Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
- 〈《古蘭經》和平觀之再思–理念、德性培育與實踐限制〉,載於梁卓恒、劉保禧、李駿康編,《字裡人間:人文經典與通識教育》,香港:香港中文大學出版社,2021,頁185-201。
- “Seeing Islam as Imperial Consciousness Saw It: The Modern Variation of the Thought of Wang Dai-yu” (paper presented in English but written in Chinese as〈以國家意識看自己:王岱輿思想的現代變奏〉) presented in International Conference of Religion, Violence and Multi-culturalism organized by the Center for Multi-Cultural Studies, College of Liberal Arts, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan (臺灣國立成功大學文學院「宗教、暴力與多元文化主義:跨學門之整合探討」國際研討會30/11-1/12/2018).
(Note: the above conference invited Islamic scholars from the universities of Brunei Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, London, Malaysia, Qatar and Taiwan and I am the only one from HK representing CUHK. It is really an eye-opening event for me to be involved and I learn a lot from the presentations and discussions with other scholars. The organizer is also very generous to reimburse all my expenses including accommodation, transportation and meals. For detail, please visit: https://nckucmcs2018.wixsite.com/mysite) - 〈中國伊斯蘭:文明交往、抗衡、融合與衝突〉,載於賴品超主編,《從文化全球化看中外宗教交流史》,香港:香港中文大學崇基書院宗教與中國社會研究中心,2018,頁167-234。
(上文引述於趙敬邦,《激盪即無礙:佛教與儒道思想的互動》,香港: 三聯,2020。) - “The Concept of Muslim Minority: A Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone? (English)” in Localization of Islam in China (Book in Chinese as 伊斯蘭在地化:中國伊斯蘭發展之探討). Edited by Lin Chang-kuan. The Research Institute for the Humanities, CUHK, 2015, pp. 129-149.
- “Islam, Islamism and Secularization: the Thoughts of Bassam Tibi (English)” in Cross-cultural Studies《文化越界》, vol 1, No.12, September 2014, pp.31-58.
- “A Framework of Positioning Islam in a Pluralistic Society: A Study of the Thought of Tariq Ramadan (English)” in Confluence of Civilizations: Prospect of Dialogue between Christianity and Islam (Book in Chinese as文明交融:基督教與伊斯蘭教對話願景) pp. 51-89. Edited by Lau Yee-cheung and Li Lin. Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2012.
(Citation of the above work by David Lee, Contextualisation of Sufi Spirituality in Seventeenth-and-eighteenth-century China: the role of Liu Zhi (c. 1662-c. 1730), Cambridge, England: James Clarke & Co, 2016.)
- Internal Advisor of Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong