吳俊博士是大學通識教育部通識教育基礎課程的講師。吳博士2011年獲得匹茲堡大學物理學博士學位後,於2012年加入通識教育基礎課程擔任講師。授課之餘,吳博士也參與教學法與教育學相關研究,包括發展與建設教學模塊課件(Micro-module Courseware Development)以及應用敘述式質化分析的方式來理解學生的思考複雜度。此外,吳博士於2015年受訓獲得PASS導師資格認證,並成為PASS團隊的核心成員,積極參與PASS@GEF的發展,並期望在中文大學及以外推廣同儕互學的理念。PASS團隊有幸獲得2021年博文教學獎。
UGFN1000 與自然對話
GFN1000 與自然對話 (香港中文大學(深圳))
UGFN1099閱讀自然 (粵港澳大灣區暑假學院)
- 2023
- 吴俊, 高莘,李洋娴,廖梁,彭金满,王永雄,周笑晨, 从叙述式质化分析看通识教育与学生反思性思维特征,《通識教育評論》,即將發表。
- 2022
- Szeto WM, Li M, Wu J, Wong IKT, Cheng AHW, Leung MY, A student’s perspective on the effectiveness of PASS in seminar courses: a mixed-method study, Journal of Peer Learning, 15, 2022, 48-65. Available at: https://ro.uow.edu.au/ajpl/vol15/iss1/5.
- 2017
- Chan HY, Chiu J, Gao X, Lam TK, Pang KM, Wu J, Yeung Y, Qualitative Narrative Assessment of Two Dialogues at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Submitted to ACTC Qualitative Narrative Assessment (QNA) Project, 2017.
- Chan HY, Chiu J, Gao X, Lam TK, Pang KM, Wu J, and Yeung Y, Reflections on NQA Research in Students’ Cognitive Complexity, Paper presentation in CUHK EXPO 2017.
- D. Boyanovsky and J. Wu, Small scale aspects of warm dark matter: power spectra and acoustic oscillations, Phys. Rev. D 83, 043524 (2011).
- Y. J. Zhang, J. Wu and P. T. Leung, High-frequency behavior of w-mode pulsations of compact stars, Phys. Rev. D83.064012 (2011).
- J. Wu, J. A. Hutasoi, D. Boyanovsky and R. Holman, Neutrino Oscillations, Entanglement and Coherence: A Quantum Field Theory Study in Real Time, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 26, 5261-5397 (2011).
- J. Wu, J. A. Hutasoi, D. Boyanovsky and R. Holman, Dynamics of disentanglement, density matrix and coherence in neutrino oscillations, Phys. Rev. D 82 013006 (2010)
- J. Wu, J. A. Hutasoi, D. Boyanovsky and R. Holman, Is the GSI anomaly due to neutrino oscillations? – A real time perspective –, Phys. Rev. D 82, 045027 (2010).
– 2007
J.Wu and P. T. Leung, Generalized inverse-Cowling approximation for polar w-mode oscillations of neutron stars, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 381, 151–158 (2007)
Micro-module Courseware Development
- MMCDG 2015, Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant Scheme 2: Studies in Foundation Courses, ‘Micro-modules for UGFN1000 classroom flipping’, Co-supervisor.
- MMCDG 2016-17, Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant Scheme 2: Studies in Foundation Courses, ‘Micro-modules for UGFN1000 classroom flipping – part 2’, Co-supervisor.
- MMCDG 2017-18, Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant 2017-18 Scheme 2: Studies in Foundation Courses, ‘Integration and enhancement of the existing micro-modules platforms for UGFN1000 classroom flipping’, Principal Supervisor.
- TDLEG 2019-22, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant 2019-22 Special Funding Scheme for Online Learning, ‘Micro-modules to facilitate online learning and discussion’, Co-supervisor.
PASS (Peer Assisted Study Session)
- TDLEG 2016-19, ‘A Collaborative Project on Peer Assisted Study Session’, Co-supervisor.
- TDLEG 2019-22, ‘Engaging Students as Partners with Peer Assisted Study Session’, Co-supervisor.
Narrative Qualitative Analysis
- TDLEG 2019-22, Special Funding Scheme to Enhance Student Engagement and Address Student Learning Needs, “MASCOT: A Mobile Application for Students’ Complexity of Thinking”, Principal Supervisor.