Below are the courses I recently teach:
- “In Dialogue with Nature” offered by Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- “In Dialogue with Nature” offered by Tsinghua University.
- “Exploring Night Sky” offered by Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- “Introduction to Astronomy” by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
- “Perspectives in Astronomy and Astrophysics” offered by Xidian University.
- 廖梁, 王永雄, 彭金滿. 〈標準參照評估的行動實踐——以香港中文大學通識教育基礎課程為案例〉. 《復旦教育論壇》 第19卷 第4期 52-59頁. 中國上海: 復旦大學, 2021.
- Yip Cheung Chan, Kam Moon Pang, Kenneth Young. “The Mathematics of Leap Years: Sophistication versus Content in Mathematics Education”. <International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology> Advance Online Publication Taylor & Francis, 2021.
- 吳俊、高莘、李洋嫻、廖梁、彭金滿、王永雄、周笑晨,〈從敘述式質化分析看通識教育與學生思維能力培養〉《大學通識教育聯盟 通識教育研究論文》. 復旦通識教育, 2021 — 論文獲特等獎. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YYqjGFFUu9FQPaY3pkcLBA
- 王永雄、彭金滿,〈“與自然對話”通識課的國際化〉《大學通識教育聯盟 通識教育研究論文》. 復旦通識教育, 2021 — 論文獲二等獎. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YYqjGFFUu9FQPaY3pkcLBA
- 王永雄,彭金滿,陳天機《天問:宇宙真貌的探索》(Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2013).
Below are recent research projects in which I serve as the principal investigator or co-principal investigator:
- Principal Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (Ref#: 4170997) for “An Online Bilingual Glossary in Support of Language Alignment in General Education Foundation (GEF) Classes”.
- Co-Principal Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (Ref#: 4170728) for “In Dialogue with Nature”: Our Quest for a Better World”.