- 2023:
- “The Lord does not wish the death of a sinner”: Investigating Selected Ordinary Glosses to Pope Gregory IX’s Decretales (1234) on Heretics. Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, Cambridge University Press, 92(1), 22-41.
- 2022:
- “‘Sed quare non sunt tolerandi’: Apostasy and Rebaptism in the Glossa ordinaria to the Decretales Gregorii IX”, paper presented at the 16th International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, 17-23 July, 2022, St. Louis University, USA
- 2021:
- “‘They should be decapitated’: The Glossa to X 5.6 & 3.33 on Jews and Saracens”, Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law. New Series 2021, Volume 38, 211-250.
- 2016:
- “Canon 231 of the Collectio Sinemuriensis in MS Western MS 82”, paper presented at the 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies, 12-15 May, 2016, Western Michigan University, USA