FONG Sing Ha is currently a lecturer of university general education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She received her PhD in modern Chinese literature at the University of Hong Kong in 2013. As a recipient of the Louis Cha Postgraduate Research Fellowship, she conducted archival study at the Research Center for Modern and Contemporary China, the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University in 2012. She has published widely on modern Chinese fiction and poetry as well as classics teaching. She also published creative writings in various literary journals. She was awarded for Creative Writing in Chinese (literary criticism) by Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2006.
- 2018:
- 《中學生文學精讀:汪曾祺》(香港:三聯書店(香港),2018年)。
- 《文學精讀:汪曾祺》(杭州:浙江人民出版社,2018年)。
- 2016:
- 《京派的承傳與超越:汪曾祺小說研究》(南京:南京大學出版社,2016年)。
- 2023:
- “Vocal Music: Opera and Song,” in Chinese Music in Print: From the Great Sage to the Lady Literata, pp. 114-151. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2023.
- 2021:
- 〈逍遙:讀道家的《莊子》〉,《字裡人間:人文經典與通識教育》,梁卓恒等編,頁123-141。香港:中文大學出版社,2021年。
- 2016:
- 〈「苦心經營的隨便」:論汪曾祺小說的敘事策略〉,《香港文學》,第381期(2016年9月),頁68-77。
- (with Julie Chiu, Xin Gao, Wai Ming Ho, Samson Kwok, and Andy Yu) “DAIMON—a mobile app for In Dialogue with Humanity at The Chinese University of Hong Kong,” in Teaching and Learning with Technology: Proceedings of the 2016 Global Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT 2016), edited by Wilton Fok and Vivian Wenting Li, pp. 23-38. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2016.
- 〈京派小說的審美追求〉,《文學評論》,第43期(2016年4月),頁30-45。
- 2015:
- 〈汪曾祺小說中的兩個民間世界〉,《中國文學學報》,第6期(2015年12月),頁287-324。
- 〈再說京派:1930年代北平一支文人流派〉,《東方文化》,48卷1期(2015年6月),頁109-126
- “The Prehistory of Music in China,” Cross-national Interdisciplinary Research Grant, Harvard-Yenching Institute.