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1732 search result(s)

[ZOOM聚會] 氣候變化與糧食安全

[ZOOM聚會] 人工智能時代下的可持續發展

[ZOOM聚會] 如何建構可持續的未來?

[通識沙龍] 疫症下的國際關係 * [GE Salon] International Relationship under the Pandemic

[通識沙龍] 羅馬帝國的威權經濟制度與基督徒的回應 * [GE Salon] The Authoritarian Economic System of Roman Empire and Christians’ Response

[通識沙龍] 社運創傷與心理治療 * [GE Salon] Post-social Movement Trauma and Psychotherapy

[通識沙龍] Food Safety in Europe, Antimicrobial Resistance & One Health * [GE Salon] Food Safety in Europe, Antimicrobial Resistance & One Health

[讀書會] 心靈的貴族:從《莊子》寓言細味百態人生

[讀書會] 貝多芬250年:三個世紀、三本著作、三種角度

[通識午餐聚會] 開設或修訂大學通識科目 * [GE Lunch Seminar] Proposing or Revising a University General Education Course